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58 pages of results.
What is cultural relativism? Why is cultural relativism so dangerous, and why is it becoming so popular?
What does it mean that we are children of God? What is the meaning of 1 John 3:1?
What does it mean to trust in Jesus? What does trusting in Jesus mean, biblically speaking?
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Two Sons? Who does the two sons represent? Why did one son obey and the other son disobey?
What is Messianic Judaism? Are Messianic Jews Christians? Are Messianic Jews still considered to be Jews?
Who is Joel Osteen, and are his teachings biblical? Is Joel Osteen a false prophet / false teacher?
Is it wrong for men to be effeminate or for women to be masculine? What aspects of masculinity and femininity are inherent in humanity?
What is Mithraism? Is Mithraism still in existence as a formal religion today? How is Mithraism related to Zoroastrianism?
Why is sola fide important? Do we contribute our works along with our faith for salvation?
What is the Nicene Creed? Is the Nicene Creed a good summary of Christian doctrine? Are there any doctrinal problems with the Nicene Creed? Home