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Search results for: Dedication
126 results found.
13 pages of results.
What is the Feast of Dedication? Is the Feast of Dedication mentioned in the Bible? What was the origin of the Feast of Dedication?
What is baby dedication? Is child / baby dedication biblical? Does the Bible describe parents dedicating their children to the Lord?
3. What happened at the dedication of Solomon’s temple? How many temples were there? |
What happened at the dedication of Solomon’s temple? What was the signifance of the temple being dedicated to the Lord in the days of Solomon?
Is a house dedication a biblical concept? Does the Bible record any houses being dedicated to the Lord?
What is the Book of Common Worship? What denomination uses the Book of Common Worship to organize their calendar and services?
What is Hanukkah? Should a Christian celebrate Hanukkah (Christmaskah / Chrismukkah)? Are the holidays of Hanukkah and Christmas compatible?
What was Zerubbabel’s temple/the second temple? Why did God choose Zerubbabel to build the second temple?
What does the Bible say about infant baptism / paedobaptism / child baptism? What is a paedobaptist? Should babies be baptized? Does the Bible tea...
What was/is the importance of the gates of Jerusalem? How many gates did the city of Jerusalem have?
Miscellaneous Bible Questions (All): Do Christians have to obey the laws of the land? Who were the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ? Does the Bible con... Home