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Search results for: OFFENDED
91 results found.
10 pages of results.
Since God does not forgive until a person confesses/repents, does that mean we can withhold forgiveness from those who sin against us until they c...
Are apparitions of Mary, such as Lady Fatima or Medjugorje, true messages from God? Why does Mary have such an important role in the Catholic faith?
How can I learn to not take offense at little things? How can I stop being so easily offended?
What does the Bible say about controlling your temper? Why is a temper so difficult to control?
How can I get a clear conscience? What does the Bible says about achieving a clear conscience instead of a guilty conscience?
What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to turn the other cheek? Are we really to be doormats and allow people to trample all over us?
I am a Hindu, why should I consider becoming a Christian? What is the relationship between Hinduism and Christianity?
What does the Bible say about being passive-aggressive? How should a Christian view passive-aggressivity?
How was the flood in the time of Noah just? Why did God kill all the people in the world with a flood and only save Noah and his family?
What does it mean to test God? Can God be tested? Is God offended when we test Him? Home