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Search results for: TORAH
87 results found.
9 pages of results.
What is the Torah? Is the Torah the same thing as the Pentateuch? Is the Torah more important than the rest of the Old Testament?
What is halakhah (halakha, halacha, halachah, halakah)? How does the Jewish halakhah relate to the Torah and the rabbinical law?
What is the Pentateuch? Is the Pentateuch the same thing as the Torah? Is the Torah more important than the rest of the Old Testament?
Who wrote the book of Exodus? Who was the author of Exodus? Was Moses the author of the book of Exodus?
What is the Hebrew (Hebraic) Roots movement? Is Messianic Judaism and the Hebrew Roots movement the same thing?
What is the Mishnah? What is a midrash? What are the Gemara? How are the Mishnah, midrash, and Gemara related to the Talmud?
Who wrote the book of Leviticus? Who was the author of Leviticus? Was Moses the author of the book of Leviticus?
What are the different sects of Judaism? What are the differences between the various sects of Judaism?
Who wrote the book of Deuteronomy? Who was the author of Deuteronomy? Was Moses the author of the book of Deuteronomy?
What is the Zohar? How is the Zohar related to Kabbalah? Is the Zohar essentially a mystical commentary on the Hebrew Scriptures? Home