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Search results for: WANTS
836 results found.
84 pages of results.
What does God want me to do? How can I know if God wants me to do something? Will God tell me what He wants me to do?
If a person wants to be baptized, but is unable to be immersed into water due to being ill, disabled, elderly...etc. - what should be done? Should...
What does God want from me? How can I know what God wants from me in life?
Does God want us to be happy? Is God concerned about our happiness? Is being happy supposed to be a goal of the Christian life?
How can I become a pastor? How can I become a minister? What does the Bible say about how to become a pastor/minister?
What does the Bible say about being mean-spirited? How can I overcome feeling mean-spirited towards other people?
What does the Bible say about attitude? How can we, as Christians, make sure our attitudes are biblically-based?
What is servant leadership? How is Jesus Christ the ultimate example of servant leadership?
Are there any conditions to answered prayer? What conditions must I meet before God will grant my prayer requests?
What does the Bible say about finding satisfaction in life? What is the key to being satisfied with your life? Home