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Search results for: catholic
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59 pages of results.
Catholic Questions - questions from Catholics and about Catholicism. An honest look at Catholic theology from a Biblical perspective.
Does the Bible support the Catholic practice of a marriage annulment? How is an annulment different from a divorce?
What is the Catholic catechism / catechesis? What are the core teachings of the Catholic catechism?
What is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church? When did the Catholic Church begin? Is the Catholic Church a mixture of true Christianity with ot...
Should a non-Catholic Christian participate in a Catholic Mass? Is the Catholic Mass/Eucharist the same thing as the biblical Lord’s Supper/Christ...
I am a former Catholic. Should I continue to go to Catholic Church so I can reach people for Christ? What is the best way to evangelize Roman Cath...
Is the Catholic Church a separate religion or a division of Christianity? Is the Catholic Church truly a Christian church?
What is the meaning/definition of the word Catholic? Does the term Catholic simply refer to the universal church?
Are Catholic beliefs and practices biblical? Is Catholic doctrine based primarily on the Bible or on tradition?
What is the cause of the sexual abuse in the Catholic Church? Why are there pedophile priests in the Roman Catholic Church? Home