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33 pages of results.
What was the Enlightenment (Age of Reason), and what impact did it have on Christianity? Why is the Enlightenment referred to as the Age of Reason?
Is mimetic theory biblical? Who first developed mimetic theory? Is mimetic theory compatible with a Christian worldview?
Is EMDR therapy something a Christian can consider? Does EMDR therapy in any way contradict the teachings of the Bible?
Is belief in God a virus? Is belief in God and/or adherence to religion in any way relatable to a virus?
What does the Bible say about applied kinesiology? Does applied kinesiology have its origins in non-Christian religions?
What is Socinianism? What is a Socinian? What were some of the early false beliefs about the Trinity?
What is the critical race theory, and how should a Christian view it? Is the critical race theory compatible with a Christian/biblical worldview?
What is normative ethics? What does it mean that normative ethics is the study of ethical frameworks?
What is a Protestant? What is the origin of the Protestant movement? Why can’t Protestants and Catholics agree?
Is abortion always sin? What does the Bible say about early pregnancy termination for medical reasons? Home