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What does the Bible say about road rage? Why do so many Christians seem to struggle with road rage?
What is a lexicon? What is the value of a Hebrew or Greek lexicon? What are some of the best Hebrew and Greek lexicons?
What is the teleological argument for the existence of God? How are the teleological arguments different from the other arguments for God’s existe...
Why did Jesus set His face to go to Jerusalem? What is the meaning of Luke 9:51?
What is a Christian missionary? How do Christian missionaries attempt to fulfill the Great Commission?
Who was Miriam in the Bible? What was the relationship between Miriam, Moses, and Aaron? What was Miriam’s role in Moses’ life?
Can restoration occur after a pastor has been caught in a scandal? Are there any sins that permanently disqualify a man from serving as a pastor?
What is palingenesis / palingenesia? How does palingenesis relate to evolution? How does palingenesis relate to the Bible?
Why do I face the consequences of Adam’s sin when I did not eat the fruit? Is the sin of Adam and Eve applied to all of humanity?
What is intellectualism? What is an intellectualist? How is intellectualism related to rationalism and empiricism? Home