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Why did Jesus say to “agree with your adversary quickly”? What is the meaning of Matthew 5:25?
When is the right time for marriage? How can a couple know when they are ready to get married?
How can we rely on the power of God? Why is relying on the power of God so important?
“Do not worry about tomorrow”—is that even possible? What is the meaning of Matthew 6:34?
Why pray? What is the point of prayer when God knows the future and is already in control of everything? If we cannot change God’s mind, why shoul...
Does God answer prayers? Why does it seem like God never answers my prayers? How can I tell if God answers a prayer with a no?
Why do I face the consequences of Adam’s sin when I did not eat the fruit? Is the sin of Adam and Eve applied to all of humanity?
What are some Bible verses about righteousness? What are some of the most well-known Bible verses about righteousness?
What does it mean that the Lord is the strength of my life? What is the meaning of Psalm 27:1?
10. What does it mean to “be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Ephesians 4:23)? |
What does it mean to “be renewed in the spirit of your mind”? What is the meaning of Ephesians 4:23? Home