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11 pages of results.
Why are Psalms 14 and 53 nearly identical? What is the purpose of having two psalms that are almost exactly the same?
What is Smartism? What is Advaita Vedanta? How is Smartism different from other forms of Hinduism?
What are the different sects of Judaism? What are the differences between the various sects of Judaism?
What is egalitarianism? What are the differences between complementarianism and egalitarianism? What is an egalitarian?
Does the inerrancy of the Bible only apply to the original manuscripts? Can a translation of the Bible be considered inerrant? Has the inerrancy o...
Would a human clone have a soul? If human cloning ever succeeded, would the clone have a soul? Where does the human soul come from?
How should Christians respond to the Arab-Israeli conflict? Why do the Israelis and Palestinians seem to always be at war with each other?
What does it mean that our citizenship is in heaven? What are the practical implications of being citizens of heaven?
What is divine simplicity? Is divine simplicity a biblical concept? What are potential issues with the doctrine of divine simplicity?
Matthew 20:29-34 says Jesus healed two blind men as He left Jericho. Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 say He healed one man as He entered Jericho. ... Home