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Search results for: pious
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What is a pious fraud? Is it acceptable to lie if the goal is to advance religious ends or if the result is good?
What is the definition of piety? What does it mean to be pious? What does the Bible say about piety?
What does the Bible say about impiety? What does it mean to be impious? Is impiety the same thing as wickedness?
What are the 95 theses (thesis) of Martin Luther? Why did Martin Luther write the ninety five theses?
Who were the Lollards? How were the Lollards related to John Wycliffe? What were the beliefs of the Lollards?
What does it mean that God knows your heart? What is the meaning of Luke 16:15?
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Vineyard? Why did Jesus often speak using parables instead of teaching more clearly?
What is New Monasticism? How does the New Monasticism differ from ancient forms of asceticism and monasticism?
What are Christian saints according to the Bible? What is sainthood? Who is a saint? What does the Bible say about saints?
What does the Bible say about being a godly woman? What are the characteristics of a godly woman? Home