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Search results for: regular
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16 pages of results.
What is the Regular Baptist Church, and what do Regular Baptists believe? What is the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC)?
2. What are Particular Baptist churches, and what do Particular Baptists believe? |
What are Particular Baptist churches, and what do Particular Baptists believe? What are the differences between Particular and Regular Baptists?
What can we learn from the prayers that Jesus prayed? In what ways is the manner in which Jesus prayed an example for us to follow?
How can I maintain a good attitude when I am struggling with PMS? Is it possible to have a Christlike mood during Premenstrual Syndrome?
What is faith promise giving, and is it biblical? How is faith promise giving different from tithing and/or regular giving?
What is a religious order? Are religious orders biblical? What are some of the different religious orders?
Why is corporate worship important? What is the value of Christians worshiping corporately?
What is a high Sabbath? How is a high Sabbath different from a regular Sabbath day?
What are blue laws? What is a biblical view of blue laws? Is it God’s desire for modern governments to enforce obsverance of the Sabbath?
Should a Christian have hobbies? Is it wrong for a Christian to be really passionate about a hobby? Home