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Search results for: requirement
169 results found.
17 pages of results.
Does the Bible teach the celibacy of priests? Does the Bible encourage, allow, or require that church leaders be celibate?
Does the Bible say what is the proper age for marriage? How can I know when I am old enough to get married?
Is baptism necessary for salvation? Do I have to be baptized in order to be saved? Why do many believe that baptism is required for salvation?
How were people saved before Jesus died for our sins? Did people go to heaven before Jesus? What happened to people before Jesus died for our sins?
Is baptism required before a person can receive communion? Why do some churches require baptism before a person can receive the Lord’s Supper?
Should a couple be financially stable before getting married? Is financial stability a requirement for marriage?
Does Acts 2:38 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation? Do I have to be baptized in order to be saved?
Does Mark 16:16 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation? Do I have to be baptized in order to be saved?
Do you have to speak in tongues to be saved? Is speaking in tongues a necessary evidence of salvation?
What is the gospel? What is the good news? What is the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ? Home