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Search results for: shape
106 results found.
11 pages of results.
What is laminin? Is there any significance to laminin being in the shape of a cross? Did God intentionally design laminin in the shape of a cross?
What is the Reptilian conspiracy? Is there any factual basis to the Reptilian conspiracy?
What is the meaning of the ankh symbol? Is the ankh symbol Christian, pagan, or both?
What does the Bible say about halos? Will each person have a halo in heaven?
Was Jesus crucified on a cross, pole, or stake? Does it even matter what Jesus was crucified on?
Should a Christian exercise / workout go to the gym? How should a Christian view working out / physical fitness? Is staying in shape part of honor...
What was the tabernacle of Moses? How long did the Israelites use the tabernacle of Moses before the Temple was built?
What is anthropological hylomorphism? How is anthropological hylomorphism related to the trichotomous and dichotomous views of the nature of human...
What is the significance of the walls of Jerusalem? What is the history of the walls around the city of Jerusalem?
What are the Christian themes in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader? What are the Christian themes in the Chronicles of Narnia? Home