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Search results for: sorcerer
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4 pages of results.
Who was Simon the Sorcerer? Did Simon the Sorcerer really become a believer? Why did Peter rebuke him so strongly?
Who was Bar-Jesus in the Bible? What is the meaning of the name Bar-Jesus?
What is pharmakeia in the Bible? When the Greek word pharmakeia is used in the Bible, to what does it refer?
What is the difference between miracles and magic? Isn’t a miracle simply God performing a magic trick?
What is gall in the Bible? What is the Bible referring to when it mentions gall?
What does the Bible say about white magic (magick)? Is there such a thing as a white witch and/or white magic?
What is the occult? What is Occultism? What are the difference between cults and the occult? How is the occult related to wicca and witchcraft?
What are some Bible verses about pagans? What are some of the most well-known Bible verses about pagans?
Can a person believe in some sense but not be saved? What is the difference between a belief and believing unto salvation?
What are some Bible verses about witchcraft? What are some of the most well-known Bible verses about witchcraft? Home