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Search results for: st patrick
11 results found containing all search terms. 122 results found containing some search terms.
14 pages of results.
Who was Saint Patrick and why do we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? When did Saint Patrick live and what did he accomplish?
What is St. Jean-Baptiste Day, and should Christians celebrate it? What sort of rituals are observed on St. Jean-Baptiste Day?
What are some popular illustrations of the Holy Trinity? How do you explain the Trinity? Is there anything that can adequately and accurately repr...
What is Celtic Christianity? How do Celtic Christians worship? Is there anything inherently wrong with Celtic Christianity?
Articles with content related to The Christian and Holidays organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is the origin of Valentine’s Day, and should Christians celebrate it? Who was St. Valentine?
Miscellaneous Bible Questions (All): Do Christians have to obey the laws of the land? Who were the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ? Does the Bible con...
Who was John Knox? What role did John Knox have in Presbyterianism and Calvinism? What can we learn from John Knox?
What are the most common denominations of Christianity? Why is Christianity divided into different denominations?
Should a Christian celebrate holidays? Why do Christians observe holidays that are not mentioned in the Bible, but do not observe the holidays tha... Home