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Search results for: temporary
283 results found.
29 pages of results.
Should a Christian get a henna tattoo? Since henna tattoos are temporary, does that make the issue any different than with permanent tattoos?
What happens after death? What happens when a person / someone dies? Where does your soul go when you die? Where do Christians / believers / unbel...
Can you summarize the Book of Ecclesiastes? Who wrote Ecclesiastes? What is the Book of Ecclesiastes all about?
What was the tent of meeting? What was the purpose of the tent of meeting in ancient Israel?
How to get to heaven - what are the ideas from the different religions? What are the core beliefs within each religion about how to get into heaven?
What does it mean to backslide? What is backsliding? What does it mean to be backslidden?
How should a Christian deal with infertility / barrenness / childlessness? Why does God allow Christian couples to be infertile?
Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him? Does God need our worship?
Why did Moses have to wear a veil? Why did Moses’ face shine so brightly that he had to wear a veil?
Are church closings an appropriate response to a pandemic? Should Christians allow the COVID-19 lockdown/shutdown to stop them from gathering? Sho... Home