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What types of musical instruments are mentioned in the Old Testament? Is it possible to conclusively identify the musical instruments in the Old T...
Who was Saint Jerome? What is St. Jerome most known for in church history? Why did Jerome translate the Bible into Latin?
What is the significance of the 'folded napkin' in Christ’s tomb after the resurrection? Did the folded napkin essentially mean 'I will be back'?
Are any mythological creatures mentioned in the Bible? Did the King James Version translators believe in mythological creatures?
What is functional equivalence in Bible translation? What is the difference between functional equivalence and dynamic equivalence?
Is the New World Translation a valid version of the Bible? Did the Jehovah’s Witnessess intentionally alter the Bible to create the New World Tran...
Will the antichrist be gay? Will the antichrist be a homosexual? What is the meaning of Daniel 11:37?
What is fervent prayer? What is the meaning of James 5:16? What does it mean that fervent prayer availeth much?
What does it mean that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away? What is the meaning of Job 1:21?
To what do the various musical terms in the book of Psalms refer? Why does the book of Psalms contain so many references to musical concepts? Home