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Were Adam and Eve cavemen?

Adam and Eve cavemen

Cavemen are often portrayed as being backward, unintelligent, primitive, or otherwise stunted in their physical and cognitive capacities. If this is the notion of what a “caveman” is, then the biblical answer is that Adam and Eve were not cavemen. There are a few reasons for concluding this:

• In Genesis 2, Adam names all the animals, exercising his dominion and showing great creativity, the ability to categorize, and perception of the true nature of things. This demonstrates high-level cognitive function.

• Also in Genesis 2, Adam and Eve are married. This is evidence of their ability to form social ties, build community, and keep covenant.

• Adam composes poetry (Genesis 2:23). This shows complex reasoning and mature linguistic skill.

• In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve have a fully intelligent conversation with God. The dialogue contains not merely high levels of abstraction (e.g., God’s curses, the need for a Savior, etc.) but also moral categories (e.g., the reality of sin and death, God’s commands, etc.).

• In Genesis 4, Eve gives her children meaningful names based on her faith in God’s promises (verses 1 and 25). This further shows highly developed intellectual and spiritual capabilities.

• Cain and Abel, children born to Adam and Eve, were a farmer and a shepherd, respectively. Far from living a “hunter-gather” existence, the first family were producers and caretakers.

Could Adam and Eve have lived in a cave, at least temporarily? Yes, that’s possible. Were they “cavemen” as commonly depicted—brutish, half-human troglodytes? Absolutely not. Adam and Eve were not primitive, “ape-like,” or deficient by any means. The first human beings were created flawless, in a perfect state. Until they chose to sin, Adam and Eve were the ideal human beings.

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Were Adam and Eve cavemen?
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This page last updated: July 29, 2024