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What is the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM)?

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The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry or CARM ( is an evangelical Christian ministry that focuses on equipping Christians with the truth, exposing the error of false religious systems, teaching apologetics, and helping Christians to defend the truth, all with the goal of glorifying the Lord Jesus. See for more information. The CARM Statement of Faith is available at

CARM was founded by Matt Slick in October of 1995 and has, since then, been one of the most impactful Christian internet ministries, especially in the counter-cult arena. In addition to the extensive counter-cult and apologetics sections, the CARM site is packed with quality articles on many other topics as well. The CARM forums contain an extensive amount of debate and discussion on important issues. The CARM site also has an online school, a radio show, an email newsletter, and the ability to submit questions to be answered by the CARM team.

At, we are occasionally asked if we are affiliated with CARM due to CARM’s use of the phrase “Got Questions?” on their homepage to link to their questions section. However, there is no direct connection or affiliation between CARM and There are a couple of writers who write articles and/or answer questions for both CARM and, but that would be the extent of the relationship.

Ultimately, though, strongly endorses CARM. It is an excellent resource. Our statements of faith are very similar. Our doctrinal differences are definitely in non-essential matters. CARM truly is one of the best apologetics, counter-cult, and worldview resources on the internet.

As with any book, resource, teacher, or website, always compare what you read or hear with Scripture. Never accept an answer or teaching just because CARM says it or says it or your favorite Christian teacher says it. Only the Bible is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16–17). Only the Bible is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Only the Bible never fails.

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What is the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM)?
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This page last updated: January 4, 2022