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What is Focus on the Family?

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Focus on the Family is an evangelical Christian ministry headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that provides a wide variety of resources to help families function and thrive as God designed. Focus on the Family is well known in America for their involvement in cultural matters and their strong stand on pro-life and other moral issues.

The ministry was founded by Dr. James Dobson in 1977 and began as a radio broadcast featuring advice for families and interviews of interest to a Christian audience. Since then, Focus on the Family has expanded to use many other media. Along with their original radio program, they produce a children’s radio show and a radio news digest. They also publish several websites, host conferences and interactive forums, publish magazines and books, provide counseling services, and offer college-level classes. Focus on the Family’s reach extends beyond the United States into many other countries around the world.

The mission statement of Focus on the Family, available on their website, is “to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide.” Focus on the Family’s worldview is founded on biblical commands and principles concerning the value of families (see Matthew 19:4–6; Malachi 2:15) and the individual’s social responsibility (see Ephesians 1:22–23a; Romans 13:1).

Focus on the Family has a broad range of resources available for people in any stage of life, from kids to young adults to the elderly. Dating, marriage, parenting issues, and engaging the culture are all emphasized.

Beyond helping families, Focus on the Family also does a great deal for educating people and promoting Christian values in the societal and political realms. They are a resource for people wanting to stay current on social issues of the day and how to get involved and make a difference. All of this is done from a biblical worldview. For more information on Focus on the Family, their partner ministries, and the many resources they offer, you can visit the Focus on the Family website.

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This page last updated: January 4, 2022