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Journey to the Cross Bible Reading Plan - Day 19

Join us for a summary walk through the life of Jesus. Journey toward Resurrection Day with a renewed vision and appreciation for the life of Jesus Christ. Each day you will find a link to the Bible passage for that day and helpful resources for your study.

March 6. Read Matthew 16. Who Jesus Is.

Matthew 16 begins with another confrontation between Jesus and some of Israel's religious leaders. A group of Pharisees and Sadducees approach Jesus together. This is unusual, since the two sects don't agree on more than the most basic points of theology. Their demand to Jesus is for another sign from heaven (Matthew 12:13–14, 22). Jesus points out they can read basic signs in the skies to predict weather. However, they refuse to recognize obvious signs such as the many miracles He has already accomplished. He declares He will not give them any sign but that of Jonah (Jonah 1:17), who was swallowed by the great fish and restored on the third day (Matthew 16:1–4).

Jesus asks his disciples who the people say He is. By this, He means the general opinion of the public. The disciples report that some people think He is the return of a great prophet, others that He is somehow John the Baptist. Making an important contrast between "popular opinion" and "personal belief," Jesus asks who the disciples say He is. Peter answers for the group: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:13–16).

Reflect: Compare and contrast the Pharisees’ and Sadducees’ response to who Jesus is to the disciples’. Why is Jesus’ second question to Peter the most important question in life?

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This page last updated: February 26, 2025