Join us for a summary walk through the life of Jesus. Journey toward Resurrection Day with a renewed vision and appreciation for the life of Jesus Christ. Each day you will find a link to the Bible passage for that day and helpful resources for your study.
March 15. Read John 11. Jesus Raises Lazarus.
The raising of Lazarus is much more theatrical than some of Jesus' other miracles. At the wedding in Cana, few people even knew a miracle had occurred (John 2:7–11). When feeding thousands, it took time for people to become aware of what was happening (John 6:9–11). The man born blind gained his sight without Jesus even being there for the key moment (John 9:6–7). In this case, Jesus has purposefully waited until death is undeniable—Martha is understandably worried about her brother's corpse rotting. There is a crowd, and for the sake of that crowd Jesus openly declares that He is acting on the power and authority of God. Then He calls a dead man to life (John 11:38–44).
Reflect: What does this passage reveal about God’s relationship to death? How is the raising of Lazarus a taste of Jesus’ future resurrection and subsequently believers’ future resurrection?
Keep reading this commentary. Click “next verse” to continue.
FAQ from our network of sites:
- Who was Lazarus in the Bible?
- What does John 11 mean? Start reading our commentary here. Click "Next verse" to continue through the passage.
- For Kids: Did Jesus really raise Lazarus from the dead?
Today's Verse of the Day (Encourage your friends by sharing this image on Social Media):

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