Join us for a summary walk through the life of Jesus. Journey toward Resurrection Day with a renewed vision and appreciation for the life of Jesus Christ. Each day you will find a link to the Bible passage for that day and helpful resources for your study.
March 18. Read Matthew 21:12-46. Jesus Clears the Temple; Jesus Teaches.
Jesus later enters the massive temple in Jerusalem. He drives out those selling and buying animals. He overthrows the tables and benches of the moneychangers. This seems to be a second, separate incident from the one recorded in the gospel of John (John 2:13–22). Jesus' anger is not about business or money, itself, but the crass way in which these men are profiting from the spiritual needs of the people (Matthew 21:12–13).
Finally, Jesus applies Psalm 118:22–23 to Himself. He is the stone rejected by the builders that has become the cornerstone. The kingdom of God will be taken from the Israelite leaders and all who reject Jesus will be broken on or crushed by the cornerstone.
Reflect: What fueled Jesus to clear the Temple? Why is God concerned with purity in people’s hearts and worship, and is there any cleansing that needs to happen in your life?
Keep reading this commentary. Click “next verse” to continue.
FAQ from our network of sites:
- How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple?
- What is the meaning of the Parable of the Vineyard?
- What is the meaning of the Parable of the Two Sons?
- What does Matthew 21:12-46 mean? Start reading our commentary here. Click "Next verse" to continue through the passage.
- For Kids: Did Jesus get so angry He turned over tables? I thought anger was a sin.
Today's Verse of the Day (Encourage your friends by sharing this image on Social Media):

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