Join us for a summary walk through the life of Jesus. Journey toward Resurrection Day with a renewed vision and appreciation for the life of Jesus Christ. Each day you will find a link to the Bible passage for that day and helpful resources for your study.
Read Luke 2:39-52. Jesus’ Childhood.
Mary and Joseph raised Jesus in obedience to the traditional laws of the Old Testament. Luke often reminds readers that Jesus' experience was fully human. That includes being raised by His family, in Mary's hometown. Nazareth was not held in high esteem by Jews of that era. That Jesus will grow up in Nazareth corresponds to Old Testament predictions about Messiah being despised and looked down on by His peers (Psalm 22:6; Isaiah 49:7; 53:3). Further, Isaiah 11:1 uses the Hebrew term for "branch," nē'ser, which implies something lowly or common. That the Messiah was raised in the despised town of Nazareth fulfilled those subtle prophecies in the eyes of other writers, such as Matthew (Matthew 2:23). Jesus grew, physically and mentally, as he aged into adulthood. Other than a lack of sin (Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:22), He was entirely human (Luke 2:52).
Reflect: What does Jesus’ childhood communicate about His humanity? How might not despising the ordinary impact your walk with the Lord?
Keep reading this commentary. Click “next verse” to continue.
FAQ from our network of sites:
- What happened during Jesus' childhood?
- For kids: Did Jesus do anything bad when He was little?
- What does Luke 2:39-52 mean? Start reading our commentary here. Click "Next verse" to continue through the passage.
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