Join us for a summary walk through the life of Jesus. Journey toward Resurrection Day with a renewed vision and appreciation for the life of Jesus Christ. Each day you will find a link to the Bible passage for that day and helpful resources for your study.
Read Matthew 4:18-22 and Matthew 9:9-13. We Meet the Disciples.
Matthew describes Jesus calling four men to follow Him as His disciples. These two sets of brothers were fisherman working on the Sea of Galilee at Capernaum. Walking there, Jesus first calls Peter and Andrew, who leave their nets and immediately begin to follow Him. Jesus promises to make them fishers of men. Next, Jesus calls brothers James and John, mending nets in a boat with their father Zebedee. They, too, immediately leave behind their careers, family business, and family itself to follow the Christ (Matthew 4:18–22).
Jesus calls another of the twelve disciples when He sees Matthew sitting in a booth working as a tax collector. Men like Matthew worked for the occupying Roman government, taking money from their fellow Israelites. Many were corrupt, and all were hated. Tax collectors were seen as immoral traitors by the common people of Israel. Christ tells Matthew to follow Him. Matthew leaves behind his booth and becomes a disciple of Jesus.
Reflect: What do you observe about Jesus’ call to His disciples and their responses? How do the disciples’ responses challenge or encourage you?
Keep reading this commentary. Click “next verse” to continue.
FAQ from our network of sites:
- Who were the twelve (12) disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ?
- What does Mark 9:9-13 mean? Start reading our commentary here. Click "Next verse" to continue through the passage.
- For Kids: How did Jesus choose the twelve disciples?
Today's Verse of the Day (Encourage your friends by sharing this image on Social Media):

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Questions about Easter and the Resurrection