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Who or what is Metatron?

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Metatron is a mythical angel mentioned in some Jewish writings. One version of the myth says that Metatron was created by God as a high-level angel with many responsibilities. A second myth claims that Metatron was originally a human named Enoch, a man who ascended to heaven a few times and was eventually transformed into a powerful angel.

According to the legend, Metatron is part of a select group of angels that is permitted to look upon God’s countenance, an honor most angels, like the seraphim, do not share (Isaiah 6:2). Metatron is sometimes referred to as the “Prince of the Countenance.”

Metatron is presented as having immense power and wisdom. According to mythology, Metatron is second only to God Himself in glory, wisdom, and strength. All the other angels must obey him. Among his heavenly tasks are to act as God’s scribe and to be an advocate or heavenly priest for the nation of Israel. One legend says Metatron was the angel that led Israel through the wilderness.

It is important to state that Metatron is never mentioned in the Bible. He is mentioned three times in the Babylonian Talmud, in some mystical texts from the Middle Ages, and in some occult books.

There is no reason to believe that Metatron exists. In fact, some of the legends concerning Metatron are decidedly unbiblical. There is only “one mediator between God and men,” and it is not an angel. It is “the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).

The Bible says that such myths and legends are unprofitable. “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly” (1 Timothy 4:7; see also Colossians 2:18-19).

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This page last updated: December 10, 2024