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Modern Christianity

Article Index

19th Century Movements

What is Fundamentalism?

What is Restorationism?

What is the Restoration movement?

What happened at Vatican I / the First Vatican Council?

Who are the Hutterites, and what do they believe?

Who are the Primitive Baptists and what do they believe?

What was the Great Disappointment?

What was the temperance movement?

20th Century Movements

What was the Azusa Street Revival?

What is the Charismatic movement?

What is neo-orthodoxy?

What is post-modern Christianity?

What is the Third Wave Movement?

What happened at Vatican II / the Second Vatican Council?

Is the Last Reformation movement biblical?

What is a Bible-thumper?

19th Century Figures

Who was Mary Slessor?

Who was Lottie Moon?

Who was Annie Armstrong?

Who was Amy Carmichael?

Who was Gladys Aylward?

Who was C. T. Studd?

Who was Matthew Henry, and what is the Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible?

Who was John Nelson Darby?

Who was Albert Barnes?

Who was Søren Kierkegaard?

Who was Clarence Larkin?

Who was Thérèse of Lisieux?

Who was D. L. Moody?

Who was F. B. Meyer?

Who was B. B. Warfield?

Who was G. Campbell Morgan?

Who was Charles Parham?

Who was Sir William Ramsay?

Who was Charles Hodge?

Who was Arthur Pink?

Who was C. I. Scofield?

Who was Charles Haddon Spurgeon?

Who was Smith Wigglesworth?

Who was Fanny J. Crosby?

Who was Philip P. Bliss?

Who was George Mueller?

Who was Grigori Rasputin and what impact did he have on Christianity?

20th and 21st Century Figures

Who was Watchman Nee?

Who was Karl Barth?

Who was Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

Who was Corrie ten Boom?

Who was H. A. Ironside?

Who was R. A. Torrey?

Who was Rudolf Bultmann?

Who was Oswald Chambers?

Who was Kathryn Kuhlman?

Who was E. W. Kenyon?

Who was Kenneth Hagin?

Who was Oral Roberts?

Who was J. Gresham Machen?

Who was Billy Graham?

Who was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Who was Cesar Chavez?

Who was G. K. Chesterton?

Who was C.S. Lewis?

Who was Jim Elliot?

Who was Elisabeth Elliot?

Who was J. Vernon McGee?

Who was Bill Bright?

Who was Leon Morris?

Who was Adrian Rogers?

Who was Lewis Sperry Chafer?

Who was F. F. Bruce?

Who was John Stott?

Who was W. A. Criswell?

Who was Henry Morris?

Who was John C. Whitcomb?

Who was John Walvoord?

Who was J. Dwight Pentecost?

Who was Charles Ryrie?

Who was Tim LaHaye?

Who was Beverly LaHaye?

Who was Francis Schaeffer?

Who was R.C. Sproul?

Who was Billy Sunday?

Who was A.W. Tozer?

Who was William Barclay?

Who was Dallas Willard?

Who was Howard Hendricks?

Who was Chuck Smith?

Who was Norman Geisler?

Who was Eugene Peterson?

Who was Ravi Zacharias?

Who was Luis Palau?

Who was J. I. Packer?

Who was Warren Wiersbe?

Who was Charles Stanley?

Who was Timothy Keller?

Who was Pat Robertson?

Who was Loren Cunningham?

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This page last updated: December 12, 2024