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Christianity Basics

Article Index

Church Types

What is a Bible church?

What is a community church?

What is an evangelical church?

What is a federated church?

What is a Union church?


What is the Bruderhof (Church Communities UK)?

What is Celtic Christianity?

What is the Charismatic movement?

What is the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church?

What was the Jesus Movement?

What is a cowboy church?

What is the Fellowship Bible Church movement (Gene Getz)?

What is Jesus Culture? Is Jesus Culture biblical?

What is the Keswick movement, and is it biblical?

Is the Last Reformation movement biblical?

What is post-modern Christianity?

What is the Third Wave Movement?

What is the Walk to Emmaus / Emmaus Walk, and is it biblical?

What is a Gospel Hall?


What is the history of Christianity?

Why is it important to be familiar with church history?

What was early Christianity like?

What does the Christian fish symbol mean (ixthus)?

What is the meaning of the Chi-Rho symbol?

What was the Protestant Reformation?

What is Reformation Day?

Why is Christianity such a bloody religion?

What is Puritanism and what did the Puritans believe?

What was the First Great Awakening? What was the Second Great Awakening?

What is Restorationism?

What is the Restoration movement?


Are there supposed to be any rituals in Christianity?

Are many practices and traditions in Christianity actually pagan in origin?

What is the Christian calendar?

What is the Christian flag, and what does it symbolize?


What is the Bible Belt?

Is Christianity a white man’s religion?

What is cultural Christianity?

Should Christians be tolerant of other people’s religious beliefs?

Why are there so many televangelist scandals?

What is theopathy?

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This page last updated: October 25, 2023