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God in our Hearts

Article Index


What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?

How can I have a closer relationship with God?

Why is it important to spend time alone with God?

How can I experience true intimacy with God?

What is fellowship with God?

What is a quiet time?

Is it important for a Christian to have daily devotions?

How can I meditate on God’s Word?

What is Christian meditation?

What does the Bible say about meditation?

What are some biblical examples of meditation?

What value is there in Christian journaling?

What does the Bible say about the value of a secret place?

What does the Bible say about the value of solitude?

What is the Christian view of asceticism / monasticism?

How can I know the heart of God?

Will God ever give up on me?

Set Apart

How should a believer respond to the characteristics of God?

What does the Bible say about self-examination?

Why do you need to guard your heart above all else (Proverbs 4:23)?

What does it mean to deny yourself? What is self-denial?

What does the Bible mean by "dying to self"?

What does it mean to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)?

What does it mean to pursue righteousness?

What does it mean to rededicate your life to Christ?

What are the spiritual disciplines?

What does it mean to be sober-minded?

I’m young. How can I live the Christian life?


What is Christian discipleship?

What does the Bible say on the importance of accountability?

What should I look for in an accountability partner?

Should a Christian be involved in mentoring? What does the Bible say about mentorship?

What is the importance of finding good role models?

What is a Christian life coach, and is the concept biblical?

Why is edification important in the life of a Christian?

What is wrong with being a solo Christian?

What is Biblical separation?


What is holiness? What does it mean to be holy?

How can I live a holy life?

Is being holy even possible, since only God is holy?

What does it mean to be sanctified?

What is progressive sanctification?

What is sanctifying grace?

Does the Bible make a distinction between the secular and the sacred?

What is the definition of piety?

What does it mean that we are not to love the world?

What does it mean that we are saved and being saved at the same time?


What does the Bible mean when it says that we will receive a new heart?

What is spiritual growth?

What does the Bible say about transformation?

What does the Bible say about consecration?

What does the Bible say about renewal?

How can I restore my soul?

What does it mean to be chastened? How does God chasten us?

What is a spiritual breakthrough?

What does the Bible say about success?

What is our spiritual food?

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This page last updated: September 29, 2022