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What is the difference between Judaism and Islam?

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Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are Abrahamic religions, as all three view Abraham as a patriarch. They are also monotheistic. In our pluralistic society, these three religions are often seen as fundamentally similar, differing only in peripheral aspects. Judaism and Islam do share some strong similarities. However, there are also significant differences between them.

The first major difference between Judaism and Islam is the basis for their beliefs. Both religions believe in one all-powerful, infinite God, but they arrive at this belief differently. Judaism is based on divine revelation to the nation of Israel through Moses, while Islam is based on a revelation to Mohammed, the key prophet in the religion. This distinction is significant as it highlights a historical conflict between Jews and Muslims. Muhammad expected acceptance from Jews because of similarities in their practices, such as following certain dietary laws, and he was disappointed when this did not occur.

The prophethood of Muhammad is another significant difference between Islam and Judaism. Islam considers Muhammad the final prophet in a long line that includes Adam, Abraham (Ibrahim), Lot (Lut), Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Isa). Judaism, however, denies that Muhammad was a prophet. In addition to the prophets, Judaism extols other figures like patriarchs (Genesis 12:1–9), kings (1 Samuel 16:1–13), and judges (Judges 4:4–10).

Another notable difference between Judaism and Islam is their sacred texts. Judaism’s central text is the Tanakh, the Christian’s Old Testament, which recounts the relationship between God and the Jewish nation. Islam’s central text is the Quran, which Muslims say is an extension of the Law of Moses and the ultimate revelation to humanity. Both texts recount similar narratives, with important differences. For instance, Judaism considers Isaac the child of promise, but Islam prioritizes Ishmael. The method the books were compiled also differs. The Tanakh was written by different human authors over a long period of time, primarily in Hebrew, while the Quran was said to be given verbatim to Muhammad and is primarily in Arabic.

Both Judaism and Islam deny the deity of Jesus, but they differ on who He is. Muslims see Jesus as an important prophet and accord Him respect. Judaism has varying views on Jesus, ranging from a prophet to a rabbi to an idol of Christians.

Differences between Judaism and Islam also include their places of worship and the rituals they follow. Jews worship in synagogues, and Muslims gather in mosques. Muslims have specific prayer times and rituals that Jews don’t observe, such as Ramadan. Similarly, Jews celebrate Yom Kippur, but Muslims don’t.

Finally, there are questions of ethics and salvation. Judaism’s basis for ethics is the Torah, which encompasses the Ten Commandments and other regulations. Islam emphasizes the Five Pillars as the basis for ethics. Both religions view salvation as merited but in slightly different ways. Islam teaches that salvation comes through obedience to the will of Allah, coupled with his mercies. The afterlife is framed in terms of paradise (Jannah) and hell (Jahannam). Judaism places salvation within the context of the nation’s covenant with God. The afterlife is not highly emphasized, but there is the concept of Olam Ha-Ba (“the world to come”) where the righteous receive a reward.

How should Christians respond to both Judaism and Islam? With both groups, we should seek to show how Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. Both groups need to know that, through the gospel, they can have a personal relationship with God, by grace through faith.

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What is the difference between Judaism and Islam?
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