Free Bible Studies from
The Bible Studies are created for individual and group study on a particular topic related to the Bible, theology, and/or the Christian life. In these free Bible studies you will find content, Bible search questions to dig deeper, and heartfelt questions meant to spark reflection and discussion. Whether you are a new or seasoned believer, using these Bible studies for personal study or as a small group/Sunday School resource, we hope you will increase in your understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ and that you will seek Him more passionately.

A Bible study that digs deep into prayer, essential for our relationship with God. Encounter the importance of prayer and recognize hindrances to our prayer life. Find encouragement that God hears and answers your prayers, and discover how to find comfort when it seems He is not answering.

Questions About the End Times
A Bible study that digs deep into the end times. Learn about the events that will take place in the end times and renew your love for God as you learn about His sovereign plan to bring redemption, judge evil, and restore all He created.

Questions About Angels and Demons
A Bible study that digs deep into spiritual beings. Learn what the Bible teaches about angels, demons, and Satan and why the spiritual realm impacts our own lives.

Questions About the Church
A Bible study that digs deep into the church, both universal and local. Engage in a study that renews your understanding of the mission of the church while rediscovering your place in both the universal and local church.

Questions About Salvation
A Bible study that digs deep into salvation. The gospel message is simple enough that a child could understand it but deep enough that a mature believer can continually study and apply it.

Questions About the Holy Spirit
A Bible study that digs deep into who the Holy Spirit is and His relation to humanity, both generally and personally. This study will enable you to recognize His work in your life and in the world.

Questions About Jesus
A Bible study that digs deep into who Jesus is, His role in humanity, and the abundant life He offers to those who trust in Him. Discover how Jesus’ coming to earth completely changes everything.

Questions About God
A Bible study that digs deep into who God is, His character, and His relation to humanity. The one true God, the Creator of the universe, the Almighty, the only good God—loves you and wants you to know Him!
Mini Bible Studies:

Peace at Christmas
A seven-session Bible study designed to discover the peace of God during the Christmas season. Through the fulfilled promises of our Savior who brought us peace with God, we are invited to experience His peace in our hearts, lives, and celebrations this season.

A seven session Bible study that cultivates a heart of thanksgiving. Discover the joy of thanking God for who He is, finding a thankful heart in the midst of our circumstances, and the impact gratitude has on others.

A seven session Bible study that encounters the profound connection between loving God and loving others. Examine the transformative power of God's love and how we can be a radiant reflection of God to a world that so desperately longs for love.

Spiritual Gifts
A seven session Bible study designed to unearth how our unique spiritual gifts and God-given abilities play an integral role in building and strengthening the body of Christ.

A seven session Bible study that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas. As the shepherds rejoiced at the angels’ proclamation of good news and the wise men worshiped in response, we are invited to find hope in Jesus, our true source of joy.

A seven session Bible study on resolutions. Dive into the keys of perseverance, creating the right goals, and working towards them with diligence, knowing that God has purpose for our lives.

A seven session Bible study discovering the resurrection. In examining the undeniable truth of Jesus' resurrection, we find a firm foundation that what God has spoken and promised is true, anchoring our faith in an unshakable reality of hope and life.

Work & Calling
A seven session Bible study on work and calling that connects living out God's calling on our lives and the work we do to the way we reflect God to a world that so desperately needs Him.

A seven session Bible study on identity discovering our identity as God intended it, the effect that sin and culture has on our identities, and our true identity in Christ.

A seven session Bible study on purpose that uncovers our ultimate purpose in life and calls us to explore how that connects and applies to the unique purposes of our lives.

A seven session Bible study on Halloween that digs into a biblical response to evil, darkness, and other themes connected to Halloween and that helps us discover how to come to biblical convictions while responding to others with differing convictions in a manner worthy of the gospel.

A seven session Bible study on the goodness of God that digs into God's goodness in character and action through the praiseworthy and the difficult.

A seven session Bible study on being the light. Take a look at what the Bible says about the light, about God being the light, and believers shining His light into a world that loves darkness.

A seven session Bible study focusing on our relationships with others and how God calls us to love one another and how our words and actions impact others.
These free Bible studies are tools to help you grow in your knowledge of the topics at hand, apply the truths to your life, and share them with others. However, knowing about God is not the same as actually knowing Him. God invites each of us to know Him personally and to have eternal life through Him. If we place our faith in Him, trusting in His death on the cross to pay for our sins, we will be forgiven and receive the promise of eternal life in heaven. Home