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Questions about Exodus

Book of Exodus - Bible Survey

Who wrote the book of Exodus? Who was the author of Exodus?

When was Exodus written?

What is the significance of Egypt in the Bible?

Who was Aaron in the Bible?

Who was Moses in the Bible?

Who was Moses’ mother?

Should the Hebrew midwives be commended for lying?

Why did God speak to Moses out of the burning bush?

What is the meaning of I AM WHO I AM in Exodus 3:14?

Who was Zipporah in the Bible?

Who was Jethro in the Bible?

Who was Moses’ wife? Did Moses have more than one wife?

What does the Bible mean when it refers to holy ground?

Did Moses stutter?

Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?

What is a bridegroom of blood in Exodus 4:25?

Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart?

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

What was the date of the exodus from Egypt?

What is the meaning and importance of the exodus from Egypt?

Are the pyramids mentioned in the Bible? Did the enslaved Israelites build the pyramids?

Why was Pharaoh so resistant to Moses’ pleas to “let my people go”?

What was the meaning and purpose of the ten plagues of Egypt?

How was the tenth plague, which caused the death of Egypt’s firstborn, just in the eyes of God?

Is there extra-biblical evidence of the ten plagues in Egypt?

How could there be livestock in Exodus 9:20 when all of Egypt’s livestock had been destroyed by the plague in Exodus 9:6?

Does Egyptology confirm or deny the biblical record?

How were Pharaoh’s magicians able to perform miracles?

Who were Jannes and Jambres?

What does it mean that “the earth is the Lord’s” (Exodus 9:29)?

What is the importance of the parting of the Red Sea?

How many Israelites left Egypt in the exodus?

Is there any evidence of the exodus?

Did the Israelites in the book of Exodus cross the Red Sea or the Reed Sea?

What is the meaning of the bitter herbs in the Bible (see Exodus 12:8)?

What did the Law mean when it referred to a lasting ordinance?

What is the meaning of “spoiled the Egyptians” in Exodus 12:36?

What did the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night signify (Exodus 13:21-22)?

What does it mean that “the Lord is my strength and my song” (Exodus 15:2)?

What is the meaning of Jehovah-Nissi?

What does it mean that the Lord is my banner?

What were the quail mentioned in the Bible?

What does it mean that Israel is supposed to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6)?

What is the meaning of bitter water in the Bible?

What is the location of the real Mount Sinai?

What are the Ten Commandments?

Why is “You shall have no other gods before me” in the Ten Commandments?

Why is “You shall not make for yourself an idol” in the Ten Commandments?

What is the true meaning of the second commandment?

Why is “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God” in the Ten Commandments?

Why is "Honor your father and your mother” in the Ten Commandments?

What does it mean to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy?

Why is “You shall not murder” in the Ten Commandments?

What is the difference between “you shall not murder” and “you shall not kill”?

Why is “You shall not commit adultery” in the Ten Commandments?

Why is “You shall not steal” in the Ten Commandments?

Why is “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” in the Ten Commandments?

Why is “You shall not covet” in the Ten Commandments?

What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?

Does God require Sabbath keeping of Christians?

What is the Covenant Code or the Book of the Covenant (Exodus 20:22—23:33)?

What did it mean to be devoted to destruction?

What is the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law in the Old Testament?

How does Exodus 21:22–23 relate to the issue of abortion?

Why does the Bible allow slave owners to beat their slaves?

What was the significance of the sprinkling of blood?

What does Exodus 23:2 teach us about not following the crowd?

Should we never say the names of other gods (Exodus 23:13)?

Why shouldn’t you boil a goat in its mother’s milk?

Who were the seventy elders of Israel?

What was the bread of the Presence (Exodus 25:30)?

What was the brazen altar?

What was the significance of the altar of incense?

What was manna?

What does the Bible mean by "an eye for an eye"?

What is the law of retribution?

What was the sanctuary shekel?

What was the significance of the anointed priest?

What is the significance of burning the flesh of the bull outside the camp (Exodus 29:14)?

What should we learn from the golden calf incident in Exodus 32?

What sort of pagan revelry did the Israelites indulge in (Exodus 32:6)?

Why wasn’t Aaron punished for making the golden calf?

If Moses met face to face with God, why, later, was he not allowed to see God’s face?

What does God mean when He says, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy” (Exodus 33:19)?

Did Moses see God?

Why did Moses have to wear a veil?

Why does Moses have horns in some ancient statues / sculptures?

What is the iniquity of the fathers in Exodus 34:7?

What does the Bible say about the hornet?

Why did the Israelites need manna if they had flocks/herds of animals that they could eat?

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

What happened to the Ark of the Covenant?

What were the Urim and Thummim?

Why is God a jealous God?

What is YHWH? What is the tetragrammaton?

Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?

Why does Exodus 35:2 require the death penalty for working on the Sabbath?

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This page last updated: February 17, 2025