Questions about Hebrews
Book of Hebrews - Bible Survey
Who wrote the Book of Hebrews? Who was the author of Hebrews?
What does it mean that Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3)?
What does it mean that Jesus makes His ministers a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7)?
What does it mean that angels are ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:14)?
What does it mean to neglect so great a salvation (Hebrews 2:3)?
What does it mean that Jesus was a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:7)?
What does it mean that Jesus is bringing many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10)?
What does it mean to exhort one another while it is still called today (Hebrews 3:13)?
How are we to exhort one another daily (Hebrews 3:13)?
How can we enter into God’s rest?
Why is Joshua called “Jesus” in Hebrews 4:8 in the KJV?
What does it mean that the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)?
How can the Word of God divide soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12)?
What does it mean to hold fast to your confession (Hebrews 4:14)?
What does it mean that Jesus was tempted, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15)?
What does it mean to come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16)?
What does it mean that Jesus had godly fear (Hebrews 5:7)?
What does it mean that Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8)?
What is repentance from dead works in Hebrews 6:1?
Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean we can lose our salvation?
What does it mean that Jesus is our mediator?
What does it mean that God is not unjust to forget (Hebrews 6:10)?
What does it mean that it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18)?
What does it mean that we have this hope as an anchor (Hebrews 6:19)?
What is the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 7:17)?
What does it mean that Jesus’ sacrifice was once for all (Hebrews 7:27)?
What does it mean that it is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27)?
Why is it not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins (Hebrews 10:4)?
What does it mean that He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23)?
How can we encourage one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24)?
Why is it important to “not give up meeting together” (Hebrews 10:25)?
What does Hebrews 10:26 mean?
What significance is there to sinning willfully (Hebrews 10:26)?
What is “the blood of the covenant” in Hebrews 10:29?
Why is it a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31)?
What does “Do not throw away your confidence” mean in Hebrews 10:35?
What does “you have need of endurance” mean (Hebrews 10:36)?
What is the Hall of Faith in the Bible?
What does it mean that faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1)?
What does it mean that faith is the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)?
What does it mean that the worlds were framed by the word of God (Hebrews 11:3)?
What does it mean that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)?
Who are “the cloud of witnesses” mentioned in Hebrews 12:1?
What does it mean to “run the race set before us” (Hebrews 12:1)?
What is the meaning of Hebrews 12:2?
What is the meaning of “despising the shame” in Hebrews 12:2?
What does it mean that Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)?
What is the peaceable fruit of righteousness (Hebrews 12:11)?
What does it mean that without holiness no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14)?
What is a root of bitterness (Hebrews 12:15)?
What does “church of the firstborn” mean in Hebrews 12:23?
What does it mean that we should entertain strangers because we might entertain angels (Hebrews 13:2)?
What does it mean that marriage is honorable among all (Hebrews 13:4)?
What does it mean that the marriage bed is undefiled (Hebrews 13:4)?
Why are we told to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5)?
What does God mean when He says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5)?
What does “the Lord is my helper” mean (Hebrews 13:6)?
What does it mean that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)?
What does it mean to give a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15)?
What does it mean to submit to authority (Hebrews 13:17)?
Questions about the Books of the Bible
Questions about Hebrews