Miscellaneous Bible Questions (All)
What is the meaning of life?
What is the Golden Rule?
When is civil disobedience allowed for a Christian?
Why do Jews and Arabs / Muslims hate each other?
Do pets / animals go to heaven? Do pets / animals have souls?
Does the Bible condone slavery?
What is an apostle?
Who were the twelve (12) disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ?
What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide? What about a believer who commits suicide?
Why do women have such a small role in the Bible?
What are the Ten Commandments?
Are the Ten Commandments repeated in the New Testament?
What is the purpose of the Mosaic Law?
What should Christians learn from the Mosaic Law?
What are the 613 commandments in the Old Testament Law?
What are holy days?
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?
Does God want Christians to establish the kingdom and force people to obey God’s laws?
Christian dream interpretation? Are our dreams from God?
Does God still give visions to people today? Should believers expect visions to be a part of their Christian experience?
Was Judas saved?
Are there such things as aliens or UFO’s?
What are Christian saints according to the Bible?
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
What happened to the Ark of the Covenant?
What was inside the ark of the covenant?
What is the ark of the testimony?
Is foot-washing for today?
Should Christian women wear make-up or jewelry?
Should a Christian listen to secular music?
Should men have long hair or women have short hair?
Can a Christian be cursed? Will God allow a curse on a believer?
What are the twelve tribes of Israel?
What happened to the lost tribes of Israel?
What should a Christian’s view be on stem cell research?
Are we to love the sinner but hate the sin?
What is spiritual death?
Is the Shroud of Turin authentic?
Was the Apostle Paul married?
What should be the Christian view of Harry Potter?
What are the Christian themes in "The Lord of the Rings"?
Why did some people’s name change in the Bible?
Did the people in the Bible have last names?
Who was Mary Magdalene?
Why did God choose Israel to be His chosen people?
What happened in the intertestamental period?
Is there any truth to the DaVinci code?
What does the Christian fish symbol mean (ixthus)?
Who were the early church fathers?
Are there any black people mentioned in the Bible?
What is a Daniel fast?
Is there such a thing as absolute truth?
What is the legend of the dogwood tree? Was the cross Jesus was crucified on made of dogwood?
What is the meaning of BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.)?
Does God hate gays / homosexuals?
Does God hate shrimp?
Do Christians have to obey the laws of the land?
What are the seven spirits of God?
Contemporary Christian music - is it honoring to God? Should it be used in church services?
What was the practice of casting lots?
What is Pentecost Sunday?
What is Trinity Sunday?
What is Ascension Day?
What is the Great Commission?
Why did God take Enoch and Elijah to heaven without them dying?
How should a Christian view the separation of church and state?
How should a Christian view prayer in public schools?
What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?
Stigmata - what is it? Is it biblical?
What does the Bible mean by binding and loosing?
What was the significance of the temple veil being torn in two when Jesus died?
What is the spiritual significance to a déjà vu experience?
Is "Paradise Lost" by John Milton biblical?
What is the meaning of Azazel / the scapegoat?
What is the definition of anathema?
What is the Jesus drug (dimethyltryptamine)?
Who were the Edomites?
Who were the Nabateans?
What is a bondservant?
Is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" a biblical statement?
How would it impact the Christian faith if it was discovered that aliens exist?
What is the balm of Gilead?
Who were the Hittites?
Who were the Amalekites?
Who were the Hagarites / Hagrites / Hagarenes?
Who were the Geshurites?
Who were the Cushites?
Does the Bible mention Alexander the Great?
What influence did Julius Caesar have on biblical history?
What was Augustus Caesar’s impact on biblical history?
What was Tiberius Caesar’s impact on biblical history?
What does it mean to receive a double portion?
Someone gave me a prophetic word/prophesied over me. What is the interpretation?
What is the significance of "˜40 days' in the Bible?
Are mermaids mentioned in the Bible? Do mermaids exist?
Did Moses copy the Law from the Code of Hammurabi?
What is the definition of a theocracy?
What are the biblical qualifications for apostleship?
What does the Bible say about the possibility of Bigfoot/Sasquatch?
What does it mean that we live in a fallen world?
When can music be considered "˜Christian music'?
Is it wrong for a Christian to have a dream catcher?
What are the different names for the Israelites, and what do they mean?
What is the meaning of sackcloth and ashes?
What is the meaning of the Greek word dunamis in the Bible?
What does the Greek New Testament mean by kerygma?
What is a prophet in the Bible?
What was a prophet in the Old Testament?
What is a prophetess? Does the Bible mention any prophetesses?
What was a seer in the Bible?
Who are the twins in the Bible?
What is the significance of acacia wood in the Bible?
What is a mantle in the Bible?
What is the significance of a sideways cross?
What is the meaning of an upside-down / inverted cross?
What is the meaning of exousia in the Bible?
What is the meaning of the Greek word kairos?
Is the idea of a Kairos Moment / Kairos Circle biblical?
What is an evangelist?
Is God giving people in closed countries dreams and visions to bring them to faith in Christ?
How many times has God sent fire from heaven?
What did people in the Bible look like?
What is an altar?
Who was Belial?
What is a glory cloud? Is a glory cloud biblical?
Who were the Sumerians?
What is the significance of thirty pieces of silver?
What is the origin and meaning of the Celtic cross?
Why do some people in the Bible have more than one name?
Who were the Canaanites?
Who was Antiochus Epiphanes?
Who were the Midianites?
Who were the Kenites?
From whom are the modern Palestinians descended?
What is the history of Masada?
What is an omen?
Is there any evidence for the giants mentioned in the Bible?
Who were the Sabeans?
What was the significance of the new moon in Bible times?
What is the role of the Arabs in the Bible?
Who were the Ishmaelites?
Why do we say, "God bless you," when someone sneezes?
What is the Reptilian conspiracy?
What is the meaning of the ankh symbol?
What is the definition of godspeed / god speed?
What is a millstone in the Bible?
What is the difference between miracles and magic?
What are some biblical examples of dream interpretation?
Why was Israel called the land of milk and honey?
What was a Roman centurion?
What is the seal of God?
Is Jesus Calling a good book? Are there any doctrinal problems with Jesus Calling?
What is the ragamuffin gospel?
Who were the Nethinim?
Who were the Rechabites in the Bible?
Who were the Ephrathites?
What is a michtam in the Bible?
How long is a generation in the Bible?
Who were the Horites in the Bible?
Was Joseph married before Mary?
Should Israel be building settlements in the occupied territories, i.e., the West Bank and East Jerusalem?
Are there beheadings recorded in the Bible?
What is spikenard in the Bible?
What is The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan?
How many prophets are in the Bible?
What was the significance of anointing spices in the Bible?
What does dayspring mean in the Bible?
How old were Jesus’ disciples?
What does the Bible say about the eagle?
Why is so much of the world still unevangelized?
What is Ugaritic, and what does it have to do with the Bible?
What is the scepter of God?
What is the history of crucifixion? What was crucifixion like?
What happened in the Six-Day War?
What is the meaning of diakonia in the Bible?
Who were the Galileans in the Bible?
What is the significance of burning coals in the Bible?
Who are Semites?
Does the Bible mention David’s mother?
Why is the order of Jesus’ calling His disciples different in some of the gospels?
What is a bulwark in the Bible?
What is gall in the Bible?
What are some of the riddles in the Bible?
What was a Roman legion?
What is a solemn assembly in the Bible?
What is the meaning of chaff in the Bible?
Is the musical Godspell biblically accurate?
What is the meaning of epektasis?
What are the five love languages?
What is the significance of a footstool in the Bible?
What is the spirit of the law?
Is it true that Jesus was crucified above the tomb of Adam?
What is godly wisdom?
What is the meaning of the Hebrew word hesed?
Is a house dedication a biblical concept?
What is a laver in the Bible?
What is a sojourner in the Bible?
What does Israel mean in the Bible?
Does the Bible teach that life begins at conception?
What is Zionism / Christian Zionism?
How did Jesus fulfill the meanings of the Jewish feasts?
How did Judas die? Do the accounts of Judas' death contradict?
Was Jonah truly swallowed by a whale?
How should a Christian view global warming?
What is the Spear of Destiny?
Was Longinus the name of the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus with the spear?
Was John the Baptist Elijah reincarnated?
What are the differences between the Sadducees and Pharisees?
Who were the Pharisees?
Who were the Sadducees?
Who were the scribes that often argued with Jesus?
Should Christians support the nation of Israel?
Christian archeology - why is it important?
What are some exciting discoveries in biblical archaeology?
How does archaeology support the Bible?
How should Christians react to 'The Golden Compass' movie?
What are Red-Letter Christians?
Why did Judas betray Jesus?
What is the Shekinah glory?
What is a "dark night of the soul"?
Is the United States a Christian nation?
Why are Christians pro-life when it comes to abortion while at the same time in favor of the death penalty and supportive of war?
How should Christians respond to global poverty and hunger?
Why are there so many tragedies among celebrities?
What is the doxology?
What is the Jubilee?
What does "˜maranatha' mean?
What is the meaning of the word "˜hallelujah'?
What is the meaning of the term "˜Shiloh'? Is it a Messianic prophecy?
What is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)?
Should all pronouns referring to God be capitalized?
Who were the Samaritans?
What was the Sanhedrin?
Who were the Herodians?
What is the meaning of Friday the 13th?
What exactly is a 'holy kiss'?
What is the meaning of Jezreel?
What is the origin of the peace sign?
Who was Baal?
Why was the worship of Baal and Asherah a constant struggle for the Israelites?
Who was Asherah?
Who was Ashtoreth?
Who was Molech?
Who was Dagon in the Bible?
Who was Tammuz?
What is the mercy seat?
What is the significance of unleavened bread?
Was the American Revolution a violation of Romans 13:1-7?
Why did God send an evil spirit to torment King Saul?
Were any of the disciples married?
What is the star of David and is it biblical?
Who were the Essenes? Was John the Baptist an Essene?
What was the significance of the ephod?
What is the day of Pentecost?
Who are the various Herods mentioned in the Bible?
Is sleep paralysis the result of spiritual attack?
What was/is the Tabernacle of David?
What is an alabaster box?
What does the Bible say about anointing oil?
What is an epiphany?
Who was Beelzebub?
What is the structure of the Jewish calendar?
What does the Bible mean when it refers to the diaspora?
What is the Feast of Tabernacles?
What is an Asherah pole?
What was the Babylonian captivity/exile?
Who were the Moabites?
What is a threshing floor?
Was the Apostle Paul actually a false prophet?
What is a blessing according to the Bible?
What is the Feast of Weeks?
What is the Feast of Purim?
When did the separation of humanity into Jews and Gentiles occur?
What are the different Jewish festivals in the Bible?
What were the 400 years of silence?
Why does the KJV Bible mention the unicorn?
Who are the biblical patriarchs?
Who were the Chaldeans in the Bible?
Who was the first Jew?
Who were Dismas and Gestas?
What is the true meaning of Rosh Hashanah?
What is Hellenism, and how did it influence the early church?
What is the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law in the Old Testament?
What does the Bible say about sowing and reaping?
What was the biblical role of the high priest?
How can we discern counterfeit miracles?
Is raising the dead still possible today?
What is the meaning and importance of the Last Supper?
Why is the birthright so emphasized in the Bible?
What was Zerubbabel’s temple/the second temple?
Who was Pontius Pilate?
Who were the Ammonites?
What is the menorah?
Who were the Anakim?
Who were the Philistines?
Who was Simon of Cyrene?
Who were the Zealots in the Bible?
What is the significance of Jacob’s well?
Who were the Amorites?
Who were the Gibeonites?
Who were the Jebusites?
What is the Feast of Trumpets?
What is the significance of the Babylonian Empire in biblical history?
What is the significance of the Medo-Persian Empire in biblical history?
What is the significance of the Greek Empire in biblical history?
What is the significance of the Roman Empire in biblical history?
Who were the Assyrians in the Bible?
Is "˜idle hands are the devil’s workshop' a biblical statement?
What is hyssop? What was hyssop used for in the Bible?
Is it wrong to have a fantasy, according to the Bible?
Are any mythological creatures mentioned in the Bible?
Are there parallels between Jewish wedding traditions and our relationship to Christ?
What is the meaning of hosanna?
What is the meaning of hosanna in the highest?
What is a Gentile?
What was the significance of the priestly garments?
What is a house blessing? Is a house blessing biblical?
What was the significance of the elders in the Old Testament?
What is the significance of the lampstand in the Bible?
Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?
What was the Levitical priesthood?
What were the chief priests?
Who is the Artemis mentioned in the Bible?
How did the apostle Paul die?
Is Christian rock music appropriate?
Is Christian rap music appropriate?
Is Christian country music appropriate?
Is listening to Christian heavy metal music wrong?
What are all the different judgments in the Bible?
What is the meaning of the Hebrew word ruach?
What did it mean to tear one’s clothes in the Bible?
Did Paul ever meet Jesus in person?
What is a salt covenant?
What are the seven baptisms mentioned in the Bible, and what do they mean?
What is a eulogy?
Do animals sin?
How many people were raised from the dead in the Bible?
What are prophetic dreams? Does God give prophetic dreams to people today?
What were the various sacrifices in the Old Testament?
What is the Feast of Dedication?
Who was Chemosh?
What is the meaning of the rainbow?
What is a convocation?
Is it wrong to kill spiders or step on bugs?
What is a love feast?
What is the significance of a scarlet thread?
What is a jinx? What does it mean to be jinxed?
What is the Melchizedek priesthood?
Is there any truth to the chemtrail conspiracy?
What is a levirate marriage?
Is there anything wrong with cartoon portrayals of biblical accounts?
What is the origin and meaning of gargoyles?
What was olive oil a symbol of in the Bible?
Is "you reap what you sow" biblical?
Does the pineal gland have any spiritual significance?
Who were the Arameans?
Can backmasking hidden in a song be spiritually dangerous?
What happened to Mary?
How are magicians / illusionists able to levitate / perform levitation tricks?
Who was Semiramis?
What were the quail mentioned in the Bible?
What was the significance of gatekeepers in the Bible?
What is a husbandman in the Bible?
What was the significance of the bronze laver?
Is there any significance to a full moon in the Bible?
What is the difference between a disciple and apostle?
What are the consequences of nations turning away from God?
What are teraphim?
What does diadem mean in the Bible?
Should a Christian observe Earth Day?
Who was Judas Maccabeus?
Who were the Hasmoneans?
Who were Bezalel and Oholiab in the Bible?
Who/what is the Lion of the tribe of Judah?
What is a priest?
What is the difference between priests and Levites?
What is an Elks Lodge / Elks Club?
Who were the Perizzites in the Bible?
What is the meaning of gleaning in the Bible?
Is there any reason to fear going into a cemetery / graveyard?
Is the phoenix mentioned in the Bible?
What does the rooster represent in Christianity?
What is a nomad?
What is a cupbearer?
What is the significance of lions in the Bible?
What happened in the Maccabean Revolt?
What are watchmen in the Bible?
What is the meaning of dross in the Bible?
What is a publican in the Bible?
What is the significance of sheep in the Bible?
Who were the money changers in the Bible?
What is a yokefellow in the Bible?
What is the significance of the olive tree in the Bible?
Is “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” a true statement?
What is the meaning of the phrase raising Cain?
What is a Samaritan?
Did God divorce Israel?
What does it mean to have a double tongue?
What is the Promised Land?
What is a high Sabbath?
What Greek gods are mentioned in the Bible?
What is the difference between Israel and Palestine? What does yoke mean in the Bible?
Who is Marduk in the Bible?
What is the meaning of charis in the Bible?
What is the significance of pomegranates in the Bible?
What is a spiritual father?
What is Michaelmas?
Who were the Girgashites in the Bible?
What is the significance of the anchor in the Bible?
Is Zeus mentioned in the Bible?
Why did God sometimes order the Israelites to hamstring horses?
Is there any spiritual significance to goosebumps?
Who were the Kenizzites in the Bible?
What are Christian catacombs?
Is the jackal mentioned in the Bible?
What is the legend of the Wandering Jew?
Why is the firstborn so important in the Bible?
What is The Chosen, and is it biblically sound?
What is the significance of the broom tree in the Bible?
What is a neologism?
What is the meaning of by and by in the Bible?
What is the significance of a capstone in the Bible?
Who were the Cherethites in the Bible?
Who was Cleopatra? Is Cleopatra mentioned in the Bible?
What is hoarfrost in the Bible?
What does it mean to rob Peter to pay Paul?
What is a “come to Jesus moment”?
What is a synod?
How should a Christian view furries?
What does it mean for someone to be cut off from his people?
What is the significance of thorns and thistles in the Bible?
Why does God harden hearts?
Who were the Egyptians in the Bible?
What is ablution? Does the Bible talk about ablutions?
What are victuals in the Bible?
Are there any volcanoes mentioned in the Bible?
What is the meaning of deus ex machina?
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