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Questions about Sin (All)

What is sin?

What is the definition of sin?

What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin?

What is original sin?

What is the sin nature?

What is a sinner?

What is Hamartiology?

How can I know if something is a sin?

How can I overcome sin in my Christian life?

What does the Bible say about pornography?

How can I overcome an addiction to internet porn?

Should I tell my spouse about my pornography addiction?

If Jesus paid the price for our sin, why do we still suffer the consequences of our sin?

Does the Bible teach mortal and venial sin?

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

What does the Bible say about body piercings?

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is it a sin?

Is being gay a sin? Is it a sin to be gay?

What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?

What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol?

Masturbation - is it a sin according to the Bible?

Is it ever not a sin to masturbate?

What does the Bible say about gambling? Is gambling a sin?

Are all sins equal to God?

Did we all inherit sin from Adam and Eve?

How bad can a Christian sin?

What is the Christian view of smoking? Is smoking a sin?

What does the Bible say about doing drugs?

What is the sin unto death?

Are children punished for the sins of their parents?

What are the seven deadly sins?

Is it a sin to cuss / swear / curse?

Should a Christian go to movies? Is watching a movie a sin?

What is lust? What does the Bible have to say about lust?

How does my personal, private sin affect others?

Is it ever right to lie?

Is it a sin to share copyrighted material on the internet?

Is it a sin to play poker?

What does the Bible say about hentai? Is looking at hentai / cartoon porn a sin?

Is cyber-sex / phone sex a sin?

Is gluttony a sin? What does the Bible say about overeating?

What does the Bible say about bisexuality? Is being a bisexual a sin?

What does the Bible say about prostitution? Will God forgive a prostitute?

Is a wet dream / nocturnal emission a sin?

What does the Bible say about transsexualism / transgenderism? Is gender identity disorder / gender dysphoria the result of sin?

Is it possible to be a gay Christian?

Is it okay to get tattoos if they are of a Christian nature?

What is the definition of idolatry?

What are some modern forms of idolatry?

What does the Bible say about bestiality?

What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain?

What does the Bible say about cross-dressing / transvestism? Is transvestitism a sin?

How should a Christian view drag queens?

Is there a biblical list of sins?

What does it mean that a person will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)?

Is it a sin to have a sexual fetish?

What does it mean to have a seared conscience?

Is speeding a sin?

What does the Bible say about sex addiction?

What is the difference between fornication and adultery?

Is caffeine addiction a sin?

What does it mean to be a slave to sin?

What is a graven image?

Why is idol worship such a powerful temptation?

What does the Bible say about underage drinking?

Is working on Sunday a sin?

Is joking a sin? What does the Bible say about telling jokes?

How can I overcome a habitual sin?

What is the greatest sin?

Are intrusive thoughts sin? Are spontaneous violent, sexual, or blasphemous thoughts sin?

What is a sin of omission?

What is a sin of commission?

What does the Bible say about rape?

What does the Bible say about BDSM?

In regards to forgiveness, is there a difference between willful sin and ignorant sin?

What is lasciviousness?

Is saying OMG or words like "˜geez' still taking the Lord’s name in vain?

What does the Bible say about being a lesbian? Does the Bible mention lesbianism?

What is blasphemy? What does it mean to blaspheme?

What does the Bible say about lying? Is lying a sin?

Why does God hate sin?

What is the conviction of sin?

What are the consequences of sin?

How can I learn to hate my own sin?

Why do I face the consequences of Adam’s sin when I did not eat the fruit?

What does it mean that all have sinned?

What does it mean that the wages of sin is death?

What is the meaning of debauchery?

Is sex a sin?

Are sexual desires inherently sinful?

Is temptation a sin? Is it a sin to be tempted?

What is the origin of sin?

Why is every sin ultimately a sin against God?

What does it mean to be free from sin?

Is sexting a sin?

What is wrong with viewing pornography, if I don’t lust after the person?

What is the difference between iniquity, sin, and transgression?

Did God create sin?

If homosexuality is a sin, why didn’t Jesus ever mention it?

If we are born in sin, how is it fair for God to judge us for our sin?

What is iniquity according to the Bible?

How should a Christian view alcoholics? What does the Bible say about drunkards?

What is a scarlet letter?

Does God view unintentional sin differently?

What does the Bible say about an open marriage? Does the Bible address polyamory/swinging?

Does a son bear any responsibility for the sins of the father?

What makes sexual sin such a big deal?

What does the New Testament say about homosexuality?

If God is love, why does He condemn homosexuality?

What is sexual immorality?

What is the biblical punishment for adultery?

What is the danger/consequence of unconfessed sin?

Is same-sex attraction a sin?

Is it a sin for a Christian to go to a strip club or to watch strippers?

Is getting drunk a sin?

What is a whoremonger in the Bible?

What are revellings in the Bible?

What is onanism? Is onanism a sin?

What does the Bible say about voyeurism?

What does the Bible say about pansexuality / omnisexuality?

How does the fact that there are gay/homosexual animals impact the idea that homosexuality is a sin?

What does the Bible say about cheating in school?

What is a vice?

What does it mean to be ungodly? What is ungodliness?

What is the worst sin?

Does the Bible require the death penalty for homosexuality?

Is it a sin to watch pornography with my spouse?

Is it wrong for a Christian to have a sexual fantasy?

Is it a sin to have a sexual dream?

What does the Bible say about plagiarism?

Is it wrong for a Christian to view or listen to Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) triggers?

Did Christ die for all sin except for the sin of unbelief?

Are we all born sinners?

Why do some cultures practice female genital mutilation (FGM)?

What is unrepentance? What does it mean to be unrepentant?

What is sadism? What is a sadist?

What is spiritual sickness? What does it mean to be spiritually sick?

Where did sin come from?

What are capital sins?

What is a trespass in the Bible?

What does it mean that sin is lawlessness?

Is corporate confession of sin biblical?

Is ignorance an adequate excuse for sin?

What is imputed sin?

What is an abomination?

What is the meaning of concupiscence in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about vandalism?

In what ways is sin a slippery slope?

What does the Bible say about adultery?

What does the Bible say about fornication?

What does Numbers 32:23 mean when it says, “be sure your sin will find you out”?

How can I get rid of lustful thoughts?

What is the proper way to handle sin in my life?

What are presumptuous sins?

Is it a sin to be rich?

What is the biblical fix for sexual brokenness?

What is the god of self?

What is the meaning of porneia in the Bible?

What is a sin tax?

What is the lust of the flesh?

What does the Bible say about covetousness?

Is it a sin to look at a woman’s body?

What was the first sin?

What are besetting sins?

What does the Bible say about temptation?

Is it true that the biblical condemnations of homosexuality are actually referring to pedophilia?

How does sin separate us from God?

Why am I held accountable for my sin when I didn’t ask to be born?

Should a Christian participate in sports betting?

What are the noetic effects of sin?

How should Christians respond to Pride Month?

What does it mean that we are conceived in sin?

What does the Bible say about necrophilia?

Was it a mistranslation to add the word homosexual to the Bible in 1946?

Is it a sin to check “Yes, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions” when you haven’t actually read them?

Side A, Side B, Side X, and Side Y—what are the different Christian viewpoints on LGBTQ+ issues?

How can I overcome pride?

What does the Bible say about AI-generated pornography?

What does the Bible say about queerplatonic relationships?

What are the consequences for blaspheming God?

What is a “clobber verse” or a “clobber passage”?

What is the Sparkle Creed?

What is the meaning of degenerate / degeneracy?

What does the Bible say about perverseness?

Homosexuals in the church—what does the Bible say?

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