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Search results for: dinosaurs
22 results found.
3 pages of results.
Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? Is there any way that dinosaurs could have possibly fit on Noah’s ark?
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible? Did dinosaurs and humanity co-exist?
What caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? If the dinosaurs cohabitated with humanity, what happened to them?
What does the Bible say about dragons? Are the worldwide legends about dragons evidence for the co-existence of humanity and dinosaurs?
Questions about Creation (All): What does the Bible say about creation vs. evolution? What is the age of the earth? Are science and faith compatib...
Are any mythological creatures mentioned in the Bible? Did the King James Version translators believe in mythological creatures?
Articles with content related to Creation Basics organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is the behemoth? Was the behemoth a dinosaur? Was the behemoth a mythological creature?
What is the Day-Age Theory? Could the days in Genesis chapter 1 represent long periods of time?
What are the top 20 most frequently asked Bible questions that is asked? Home