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How does the Cambrian Explosion fit within the framework of young-earth creationism? Can young earth creationists account for the Cambrian Explosi...
How does the geologic timescale fit with the view of a young earth? Is the earth billions of years old, or thousands of years old?
How does young earth creationism handle the evidence for millions of years in the fossil record? How is the fossil record an example of the circul...
Is the concept of Lucifer’s Flood biblical? Was Lucifer the leader of a race of beings on earth before God created Adam and Eve?
Can the flood mentioned in Genesis be proven? Is there evidence for the biblical account of a global flood?
6. What are some examples of circular reasoning in issues that Christians debate? |
What are some examples of circular reasoning in issues that Christians debate? Is there ever a time when circular reasoning is valid?
How tall was Adam? Is it true that Adam was very tall due to having perfect genetics?
What does the Bible say about dragons? Are the worldwide legends about dragons evidence for the co-existence of humanity and dinosaurs?
Is there any evidence for the giants mentioned in the Bible? Where did the giants come from? Is there any proof, outside the Bible, that there wer...
What are some flaws in the theory of evolution? If the theory of evolution has so many flaws, why is it still so widely accepted? Home