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Search results for: Gender
211 results found.
22 pages of results.
Should Bible translations use gender-inclusive language? What are the pros and cons of gender-inclusive Bible translations?
What does the Bible say about transsexualism / transgenderism? Is gender identity disorder / gender dysphoria the result of sin? Are some people b...
Can a person be born with the wrong gender? Does God sometimes make mistakes in regards to what gender we are born with?
If the Bible teaches gender equality, why has gender inequality always been the norm? Why have women almost been viewed as being inequal with men?
Is there a difference between sex and gender, biblically speaking? According to the Bible, are sex and gender the same thing?
Is it wrong for parents to select the gender of their children, such as through Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)? Is it wrong for a Christ...
What should a believer do if his or her spouse chooses to live a transgender lifestyle? If a believer’s spouse is struggling with gender dysphoria...
Will there be such a thing as gender in Heaven? Will we lose our identities as men and women in Heaven?
What does the Bible say about androgyny? Is it wrong for something or someone to be androgynous?
Should I share my Christian faith with someone of the opposite gender? What cautions should be taken when trying to evangelize someone of the oppo... Home