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Search results for: birth jesus s Son God
More than 288 results found containing all search terms. More than 712 results found containing some search terms.
100 pages of results.
1. Was Jesus the biological son of Mary? If so, how did He not inherit a sin nature? |
Was Jesus the biological son of Mary? If so, how did He not inherit a sin nature? Was Jesus Mary’s biological son or was she essentially a surroga...
Why is the virgin birth so important? What is the theological significance of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ?
Questions about Jesus Christ (All): Who is Jesus Christ? Is Jesus God? Is the deity of Christ biblical?
Is Jesus God’s Son? How could Allah, being one, have a Son? How can Jesus be God and the Son of God at the same time?
Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth? What does it mean that Jesus did not come to bring peace but a sword?
6. Is Jesus God in the flesh? Why is it important that Jesus is God in the flesh? |
Is Jesus God in the flesh? Why is it important that Jesus is God in the flesh? How can deity and humanity be merged in one person?
What does it mean that Jesus is God with us? What are the practical implications of Jesus being God with us?
What does the Bible say about the virgin Mary? Is the Roman Catholic understanding of the virgin Mary biblical?
What does Immanuel mean? What is the meaning of the name Immanuel? In the Bible, is Immanuel a name or a title?
What does Jesus’ name have to do with the fact that He will save His people from their sins? What is the meaning of Matthew 1:21? Home