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Search results for: messianic prophecy
114 results found containing all search terms. 858 results found containing some search terms.
98 pages of results.
Is Zechariah 11:12-13 a Messianic prophecy? Is the 30 silver coins mentioned in Zechariah a prophecy of Judas' betrayal of Christ?
Is Zechariah 12:10 a Messianic prophecy? Does Zechariah 12:10 prophesy about the crucifixion?
Is Hosea 11:1 a Messianic prophecy? Is “out of Egypt I called my son” a Messianic prophecy about Jesus?
How can I identify messianic prophecies in the Old Testament? Why is there disagreement about which prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures are truly ...
Is Micah 5:2 a Messianic prophecy? Does Micah 5:2 really predict that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem?
What is the meaning of the term “Shiloh”? Does Shiloh predict the coming of the Messiah?
What is the messianic age? What is the messianic kingdom? What does the Bible teach about the messianic age?
What is prophecy? What does it mean to prophesy? Why is prophecy so important in the Bible?
Is “virgin” or “young woman” the correct translation of Isaiah 7:14? Is Isaiah 7:14 even intended to be a Messianic prophecy?
What are the seventy (70) weeks of Daniel? Do the seventy weeks represent 490 years in God’s program? How are the seventy weeks divided? Home