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Search results for: skeptic
33 results found.
4 pages of results.
Why is skepticism of religion so prevalent today? What causes people to be so skeptical of the church and/or religion?
What impact did David Hume have on the Christian faith? Was David Hume a Christian, theist, deist, skeptic, critic, or atheist?
How do I know the Bible is not just mythology? How can I trust the Bible when people are saying it is filled with myths?
What is synchronicity? What does it mean when we experience synchronicity in our lives?
What does it mean that the Bible is self-authenticating? What is the difference between self-authenticating and circular reasoning?
Is there evidence for the existence of God? Is there persuasive evidence that God exists?
What is Pauline Christianity? Did the Apostle Paul teach a different version of Christianity than Jesus Christ?
What are the causes and solutions for a hardened heart? How can a hardened heart be softened?
Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? Is the flat earth theory presented in the Bible?
Is it possible for a believer to unbelieve? Can a believer become an unbeliever? Home