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How should a Christian view misandry?

translate misandry, misandrist

Misandry is a fairly new term and is defined as “the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against the male sex.” Like its counterpart, misogyny (prejudice against females), misandry is a form of sexism. Common statements that could be construed as misandric include “girls rule, boys drool,” “a man wouldn’t understand,” and “men only care about one thing, sex.”

Radical feminists see much misogyny in the world but downplay the existence of misandry. Current cultural trends seem to indicate that the tide of public opinion agrees with the feminists. Prejudice against women is evil; prejudice against men is natural and normal. Some universities and colleges are taking steps to eradicate what they term “toxic masculinity” from their male students. In younger grades, what used to be acknowledged as normal boyhood rambunctiousness is now often viewed as a threat to society. The best thing for young boys, say some “experts,” is to be more like girls. Of course, such views are misandric.

Where does the Bible come down on the topic of misandry, and how should a Christian think about it? One foundational truth is that prejudice, hatred, and envy are sins and a result of the fall of man. Hatred of the opposite sex, whichever way it is directed, is wrong. Misandry and misogyny are anticipated in Genesis 3:16. Ever since Adam and Eve’s disobedience and their rejection of God’s authority over them, men and women have been subject to conflict in their relationships. Women have a natural desire to control men, while men have the strength and will to do the same to women. The desire to control one another manifests in conflict between the sexes. Misandry and misogyny are results of that conflict.

The Bible is clear that there is no room for misandry or misogyny in the life of a Christian. Paul wrote that hatred, discord, and factions are “acts of the sinful nature” (Galatians 5:20). As such, they are in direct contrast with the “fruit of the Spirit . . . love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). The Christian response to misandry is to be guided by the Holy Spirit who resides within us (Romans 8:9) and who prompts us to reject all forms of hatred between people.

If we adopt the philosophies of a corrupt culture, whether it’s the misogyny of the male chauvinist or the misandry of the radical feminist, we subject ourselves to the influence of the sinful flesh. Hateful prejudice against any group of people, for whatever reason, is an indication that we are living according to the flesh and not according to the Spirit. Combatting hate and prejudice begins with yielding ourselves to the Spirit within us, filling our minds with the truths of Scripture, and living accordingly. “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires” (Romans 8:5).

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This page last updated: November 18, 2024