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What is the best evidence/argument for intelligent design? Does the universe and life show signs of being intentionally designed?
What is palingenesis / palingenesia? How does palingenesis relate to evolution? How does palingenesis relate to the Bible?
Is it wrong for a Christian to be depressed? For a Christian, does depression demonstrate spiritual immaturity?
How does the fact that human beings possess some Neanderthal DNA impact creationism? Is the presence of Neanderthal DNA in homo sapiens evidence f...
Should Christians use the preferred pronouns of transgender individuals when referring to them? Should Christians use xi, xim, xer, and/or other t...
What is Aristotelianism? What is a biblical view of Aristotle’s philosophy?
What is laminin? Is there any significance to laminin being in the shape of a cross? Did God intentionally design laminin in the shape of a cross?
How is belief in God any different from Flying Spaghetti Monsterism? Is there just as much evidence for a Flying Spaghetti Monster as there is for...
What is evolutionism? What does it mean to hold to evolutionism as a philosophical and spiritual worldview?
What is the definition of Darwinism? How is Darwinism related to the evolution vs. creation debate? Home