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Search results for: masturbation
25 results found.
3 pages of results.
Masturbation—is it a sin according to the Bible? Is playing with yourself (jacking off) a sin? Why do I feel guilty after I have masturbated?
Is it ever not a sin to masturbate? Is there any situation/circumstances in which it would not be a sin to masturbate?
How can an unmarried person relieve sexual tension in a non-sinful way? If an unmarried person can’t have sex, and masturbation is a sin, how can ...
What is onanism? Is onanism a sin? Is the withdrawal method of birth control sinful?
Articles with content related to Sexual Sin organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
How can I overcome an addiction to internet porn? Can addiction to pornography be defeated? Why is pornography such a difficult sin to overcome?
What are the most common things people think are in the Bible that are not actually in the Bible? What things, that are not in the Bible, are popu...
What does the Bible say about pornography? Is looking at pornography, such as Playboy, a sin? Why is it wrong to watch porn?
What is wrong with viewing pornography, if I don’t lust after the person? Is it always lust to look at pornographic images?
Should I tell my spouse about my pornography addiction? Since it would cause so much pain, shouldn’t a pornography addiction be kept a secret? Home