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Search results for: and pastors
265 results found containing all search terms.
27 pages of results.
What is the Book of Common Worship? What denomination uses the Book of Common Worship to organize their calendar and services?
What is the First Nations Version (FNV)? Is the First Nations Version a good and accurate translation of the Bible?
Isn’t it unloving to tell someone he/she is sinning? isn’t love supposed to overlook sin? doesn’t God love everyone no matter what?
What is the meaning and importance of the exodus from Egypt? Why was the exodus such an key event in the history of Israel?
What is an evangelist? What does the word evangelist mean? Are all Christians called to be evangelists?
What is Potter’s House Christian Fellowship? Is Potter’s House Christian Fellowship a biblically sound church? What is Christian Fellowship Minist...
What is the meaning of double honor? What is the meaning of 1 Timothy 5:17?
How can we not be tossed to and fro? What is the meaning of Ephesians 4:14?
What is Pietism? Who were the Pietists? What was the origin of Pietism? Are Pietist churches good biblical churches?
What is a glory cloud? Is a glory cloud biblical? Does the idea of a glory cloud come from the Bible? Home