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Articles with content related to Modern Christianity organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is apocatastasis, and is it biblical? Is the idea that God will restore everything to its original condition biblical?
Who was Saint Augustine of Hippo in church history? Can the teachings of Saint Augustine be trusted?
Who was John Wycliffe? Was John Wycliffe the first person to translate the Bible into English?
How should a Christian view the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM)? Are the goals and methods of the Black Live Matter movement compatible with the...
How can we rely on the power of God? Why is relying on the power of God so important?
What happened at the Council of Trent? Was the Council of Trent a response to the Protestant Reformation?
What were the ecumenical councils? Why is there disagreement about how many ecumenical councils there were in church history?
Who was John Foxe? What is Foxe’s Book of Martyrs? What is John Foxe most known for in church history?
Is the Last Reformation movement biblical? Who is Torben Søndergaard? What are the core beliefs of the Last Reformation movement? Home