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Search results for: the usefulness of the writings
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51 pages of results.
Does the Bible mention the lost city of Atlantis? Is there any evidence for Atlantis? Could the lost city of Atlantis fit with the timeline of the...
What are the different names and titles of the Bible? With what terms does the Bible describe itself?
Is God the unmoved mover of Aristotle’s teachings? What is the concept of the un-moved mover and how does it relate to God?
What are the origins of Easter? How did the Easter holiday originate? Where did the Easter celebration come from?
105. Are the ideas of Jesus and Christianity borrowed from Mithra and Zoroastrianism? |
Are the ideas of Jesus and Christianity borrowed from Mithra and Zoroastrianism? Did Christianity copy its beliefs from other world religions?
Who was Peter Abelard? What is Peter Abelard most known for in church history?
Who was Albertus Magnus? What is Albertus Magnus most known for in church history?
Who was Eusebius of Caesarea? Why is Eusebius of Caesarea known as the father of church history?
Is there proof for the inspiration of the Bible? How can we know for sure that the Scriptures are God-breathed?
What is a Christian view of reason? What is reason, philosophically speaking? What does it mean to be reasonable? Home