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13 pages of results.
What is Reformation Day? What exactly does Reformation Day commemorate? When was Reformation Day first celebrated?
Who was Martin Bucer? What was Martin Bucer’s role in the Protestant Reformation?
What was the Marburg Colloquy? What were the Marburg Articles? What was the cause of the Marburg Colloquy, Marburg Articles? What abuses in the Ro...
Who was Desiderius Erasmus? Why did Desiderius Erasmus have to do with the Textus Receptus and the King James Version?
What was the Protestant Reformation? What was the cause of the Protestant Reformation? What abuses in the Roman Catholic Church were the root issu...
Who was John Calvin? What impact did John Calvin have on the Protestant church?
Who was Theodore Beza? What impact did Theodore Beza have on the Protestant church?
Who was William Tyndale? Why was William Tyndale executed for producing Bibles in vernacular English?
What was the Radical Reformation? What was the cause of the Radical Reformation? In what ways did the Radical Reformation go further than the Prot...
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