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Search results for: and pastors
265 results found containing all search terms.
27 pages of results.
Why do so many preachers' kids (PK) walk away from the faith? What are the struggles that preachers' kids often deal with?
When is it right to criticize my pastor? Is criticism of a pastor ever valid? Why do pastors receive so much criticism?
Questions about the Church (All): What is the church? What is the purpose of the church? Is church attendance important?
Is it biblical to call the wife of a pastor, elder, or bishop the First Lady of the church? Is the title First Lady used in the Bible?
What does the Bible say about the role of associate/assistant pastor? How is the office of associate/assistant pastor different from other pastora...
What is a bi-vocational pastor? Is there anything wrong with being a bi-vocational pastor?
What is a good process for preparing a sermon? How to preach? What is the science of methodology of preparing a good sermon?
Is the 9Marks series biblically sound? Is the 9Marks (9 Marks, Nine Marks) series a biblical model for church growth?
What is the duty / role of a pastor’s wife? Does the Bible say anything about the duties of a pastor’s wife?
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